GRANTS OVER $10K ~ October 2006 thru December2010
Grant amounts are not disclosed, to respect privacy.
Abilities United
Palo Alto, California
Abilities United champions people with developmental and physical challenges and provides the training, education, and support they need to lead the lives they choose.
Abraham's Vision
Redwood City, California
Abraham's Vision is a conflict transformation organization that explores group and individual identities through experiential and political education. Examining social relations within and between the Jewish, Muslim, Israeli, and Palestinian communities, they empower participants to practice just alternatives to the status quo.
Palo Alto, California
Acterra is an environmental non-profit serving the Silicon Valley area, providing people with tangible, hands-on activities they can do to improve the environment. They teach people how to become effective environmental change agents in their communities, neighborhoods, workplaces and schools. Their programs serve as models that others can emulate elsewhere.
Adolescent Counseling Services
Palo Alto, California
Adolescent Counseling Services works to prevent teen suicide. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people in the United States, making it important for all members of any community to become familiar with prevention tactics, risk factors, and warning signs.
Alliance for Childhood
College Park, Maryland
In connection with an already produced video program for PBS, Where Do The Children Play?, a global education and engagement campaign was launced to awaken people to the critical importance of childrens' self-directed play, especially outdoors in nature, including their physical, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual development.
Amistad International
Palo Alto, California
Amistad, a word meaning friendship in Spanish, helps to fund humanitarian, self-help, and education programs around the world. The rich and the poor have joined hands to build self-sustaining, healthful, and economically viable communities. This includes providing water and medicine for indigenous Mexicans and in Africa, and schools for the children dealing with HIV-AIDS.
Aqueous Solutions
Boulder, Colorado
Aqueous Solutions is a consortium of research scientists, field engineers, and ecological designers working to promote livelihood security, environmental and economic sustainability, and local self-reliance through ecological design and appropriate technologies in water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH).
Arab American Cultural Center of the Silicon Valley
San Jose, California
The Arab American Cultural Center promotes the many aspects Arabic culture and language to the whole community.
The Art of Yoga Project
Palo Alto, California
Designed to show that a yoga and creative arts curriculum is a valid and effective treatment for adolescent girls, particularly girls in the juvenile justice system. Begun in 2004, the program received the 2007 Excellence Award from the County Probation Department, expanded the volunteer staff to more than 20 certified yoga teachers and assistants, and established affiliate relationships with eight other organizations across the United States.
Arlington, Virginia
Ashoka envisions an "Everyone A Changemaker" world -- a world that responds quickly and effectively to social challenges, and where each individual has the freedom, confidence and societal support to address any social problem and drive change. Ashoka strives to shape a global, entrepreneurial, competitive citizen sector that allows social entrepreneurs to thrive and enables the world's citizens to think and act as changemakers.
Bay Area Video Coalition
San Francisco, California
BAVC is a nonprofit media arts center of a coalition of media makers and activists who are discovering alternative, civic-minded applications for new technology to inspire social change by enabling the sharing of diverse stories through art, education and technology.
Bella Gaia
New York, New York
This transformational experience of viewing Earth from space is made possible by this brilliantly creative multi-media live performance in planetarium dometheaters or outdoor venues utilzing visualizations by NASA, SCISS/Uniview, and music by the creator, Kenji Williams.
Beyond War
Portland, Oregon
Beyond War is dedicated to changing minds about the inevitability of war. Grassroots volunteers explore, model and promote practical ways to resolve conflict without violence. They envision a world where war will no longer be an acceptable way to resolve conflict by any nation, just as slavery is no longer an acceptable way to resolve economic challenges.
Bioneers (Collective Heritage Institute)
Lamy, New Mexico
Bioneers inspires, educates and connects people to act effectively with practical solutions and innovative strategies for restoring Earth’s imperiled ecosystems and healing human communities. In 2007, Bioneers held its 17th annual conference which was attended by more than 3,000 people with an estimated 9,000 more participating via satellite or community meetings.
Brande Foundation
Greenbrae, California
Brande sponsors the Wisdom of the World (WOW) compassion project. Extensive research emphasizes the importance of mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being in search of a full life of meaning. WOW products are crafted to deepen the heart and spirit, awakening greater mindfulness and compassion throughout the transitions of life.
Buddhist Film Foundation
San Anselmo, California
The documentary film Every War Has Two Losers is based on the journals of William Stafford, a conscientious objector in World War Two and National Book Award winner. Despite being told that war is inevitable, Stafford disagreed. He saw war as a choice - a human choice - and only one of the ways nations can respond to conflict.
Carnegie Endowment Global Think Tank
Washington, DC
The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace is a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing cooperation between nations and promoting active international engagement by the United States. Founded in 1910, its work is nonpartisan and dedicated to achieving practical results. Carnegie is establishing the first multinational and ultimately global think tank with offices in Beijing, Beirut and Brussels in addition to Washington and Moscow.
A Celtic Pilgrimage
Belvedere, California
A Celtic Pilgrimage is a filmed journey through the sacred landscape of western Ireland, guided by John O'Donohue. Weaving ancient wisdom with personal history and breath-taking imagery, the documentary reveals a deeper Ireland beyond the usual travelogues. With mischievous humor, keen modern awareness, and a deep, empathic spirituality, John leads the viewer on an enlightening, emotionally affecting tour. Along the way he offers profound insights on life, death, suffering, creativity, and the divine.
Center For Agroecology
Santa Cruz, California
The Center For Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems is a research, education, and public service program at University of California, Santa Cruz, dedicated to increasing ecological sustainability and social justice in the food and agriculture system.
Center For Biological Diversity
Tucson, Arizona
The Center for Biological Diversity promotes the idea that the welfare of human beings is deeply linked to nature to the existence in our world of a vast diversity of wild animals and plants. Because diversity has intrinsic value, and because its loss impoverishes society, The Center works to secure a future for all species, great and small, hovering on the brink of extinction. The Center works with science, law. and creative media, with a focus on protecting the lands, waters and climate that species need to survive.
Center for Citizen Initiatives
San Francisco, California
Programs implement assistance to Russian citizens for securing economic and political reforms and fostering cooperative partnerships and relations between the U.S. and Russia.
Center for Responsible Travel (formerly CESD)
Washington, DC and Palo Alto, California
The Center for Responsible Travel (CREST) is a non-profit research institution with offices in Washington, DC and at Stanford University, who designs, monitors, evaluates, and improves sustainable tourism practices and principles. Its policy-oriented research focuses on tourism as a tool for poverty alleviation and biodiversity conservation, as well as socially and environmentally responsible tourism practices.
Center for Whole Communities
Fayston, Vermont
The Center creates a more just, balanced and healthy world by exploring, honoring, and deepening the connections among land, people, and community. On a 400-acre organic farm they invite hundreds of leaders each year - farmers, ranchers, biologists, politicians, environmental justice advocates, writers, urban gardeners, business men and women - as part of a Whole Thinking Program.
Central Asia Institute
Bozeman, Montana
Promoting literacy and girls’ education in Pakistan and Afghanistan, this effort was begun by Greg Mortenson and described in the book Three Cups of Tea. More than 60 schools have been built and hundreds of teachers fully or partially supported. As staffing and additional funds become available, CAI plans to expand its efforts to other remote regions of Central Asia.
Children and Nature Network
Santa Fe, New Mexico
The Children & Nature Network (C&NN) was created to encourage and support the people and organizations working nationally and internationally to reconnect children with nature. The network provides a critical link between researchers and individuals, educators and organizations dedicated to children's health and well-being.
Children of Abraham
New York, New York
Children of Abraham seeks to build an international community of Muslim and Jewish youth that celebrates their religious identities. Since 2004, it has been facilitating dialogue and connecting teenagers from 43 different counties using a range of emerging online technologies.
The Christmas Bureau of Palo Alto
Palo Alto, California
An all-volunteer staff channels donations to less-fortunate individuals and families in neighborhoods city-wide. The Bureau accepts referrals of individuals and families in need from social services agencies, schools, churches, temples, and other community agencies.
Children's International Summer Village
Menlo Park, California
CISV provides a range of unique, educational group activities, which develop cross-cultural understanding in children, teens, and adults from around the world. By encouraging respect for cultural differences and the development of self-awareness, CISV empowers each participant to incorporate these values into their lives as they become global citizens and strive for a more peaceful world.
Climate Interactive
Asheville, North Carolina and Glens Falls, New York
Addressing climate change will require among most everyone from business and government leaders to global citizens, exponential, cross-cultural diffusion of information and decisions to reduce CO2 emissions significantly while supporting vital economies. CI partners to create needed policy-maker oriented, accessible C-ROADS interactive climate simulation as shared open source that can spread virally around the world.
Co-Intelligence Institute
Eugene, Oregon
The Institute catzlyzes co-intelligence in the realms of politics, governance and conscious evolution. They research, network, advocate, and help organize leading-edge experiments and conversations in order to weave what is possible into new, wiser forms of civilization. Assistance was to help raise public awareness of Michael Dowd's latest book, Thank God for Evolution, which has been praised by more than 120 scientific, religious, and cultural leaders across the religious and philosophical spectrum, including five Nobel laureates.
Common Ground
Palo Alto, California
Common Ground provides information and hands-on classes in organic gardening and sustainable lifestyles.
Common Language Project
Seattle, Washington
The Common Language Project engages, educates, and informs Americans of all ages on the crucial human issues of our time through innovative and accessible journalism.
Earth Action Network
Seattle, Washington
Earth Action Network gathers a network of people who wish to take action in order to save the Earth. They help to heal our planet by promoting positive solutions to health and life-threatening problems like environmental deterioration, nuclear proliferation, and social injustice.
Earth Island Institute
Berkeley, California
For 25 years, Earth Island Institute has been a hub for grassroots campaigns dedicated to conserving, preserving, and restoring the ecosystems on which our civilization depends. The Project Support program is an incubator for start-up environmental projects, giving crucial assistance to groups and individuals with new ideas for promoting ecological sustainability. They have provided fiscal sponsorship to more than 100 projects around the globe.
Ecology Action
Willits, California
Ecology Action teaches people worldwide to better feed themselves while building and preserving the soil and conserving resources. Further activity includes training of interns, completing an interactive training manual in English and Spanish, and providing scholarships at the African workshops.
Ecumenical Hunger Program
Palo Alto, California
This community-based organization works in partnership with families to provide immediate and long-term assistance such as food, clothing, and household essentials to those in need in East Palo Alto, Menlo Park, and Palo Alto. EHP serves working families, seniors, those on fixed incomes, and people facing illnesses and other crises.
El Sistema USA
Salinas, California
This visionary global movement transforms the lives of children through music, providing a new model for social change. El Sistema USA is a support and advocacy network for people and organizations inspired by Venezuelas monumental music education program.
Esperanza Juvenil (Girls Hope, Boys Hope)A
Esperanza Juvenil provides family-like homes and education for children and youth with academic, emotional, physical and spiritual support year-round. The Esperanza Juvenil School places a strong emphasis on the development of critical thinking rather than rote memory skills, constant interaction with the world beyond the school walls, and regular use of technology, integrated into all of the core classes.
Family Resources International
Saratoga, California
A program called “Celebrating Families” looks at recovery as a family concept. Next steps are to complete an evaluation/replication study to secure listing in the Federal Registry for Proven Effective Programs and enable programs in other states to receive federal funding.
San Francisco, California
This youth movement is committed to ending world hunger in our lifetime. On college campuses across the U.S., FeelGood students run non-profit delis specializing in grilled cheese sandwiches. 100% of deli proceeds are invested in organizations sustainably eradicating global hunger. FeelGood delis provide a place for creative interaction and education in an inviting environment for customers to learn about hunger's causes, consequences, and solutions while creating new relationships.
Foundation for a College Education (FCE)
San Francisco, California
Believing that high expectations lead to high achievement, FCE developed a program that encourages students to pursue advanced academic work so they are prepared to succeed in college. Recognizing that getting our students into college is only the first step, FCE continues to support them in college to ensure they graduate with a bachelor's degree or higher. They deliver their services through three program strands: the College Bound Program (serving students in grades 9-12); the College Success Program (serving college students); the College Scholarship Program (for FCE high school seniors and college students).
Friends of Calakmul
San Mateo, California
On the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, the sponsoring Rainforest2Reef protects biodiversity including jaguar population, maintains ecosystem services, and slows climate change by safeguarding tropical forests, coral reefs and the corridors connecting these threatened habitats. They work in partnership with local communities to protect ecologically important lands through innovative mechanisms, using sound scientific research to manage and monitor protected areas, and developing non-extractive economic activities that improve livelihoods of local people.
The Gaia Foundation
London, England
The Gaia Foundation works with individuals, organizations and networks in Africa, South America, Asia and Europe to regenerate healthy ecosystems, enhance traditional knowledge and practices for land, seed, food and water sovereignty, and to strengthen community self-governance. This enables communities to become more resilient to climate change and the industrial processes which have caused the many crises we now face.
Genesis Farm
Blairstown, New Jersey
A learning center for Earth studies, Genesis Farm welcomes all people of good will in the search for alternative ways to achieve true human and ecological well-being. Rooted in a spirituality that reverences Earth as a primary revelation of the divine.
Glide Memorial Church
San Francisco, California
Glide Memorial Church creates a radically inclusive, just, and loving community mobilized to alleviate suffering and break the cycles of poverty and marginalization.
Global Deaf Connection
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Global Deaf Connection is increasing social, economic and educational opportunities for deaf people in the world's poorest nations. Based on the premise that education leads to opportunity, GDC was created to improve equal access to education and employment.
Global Footprint Network
Oakland, California
Since 2003, GFN enables a sustainable future where all people have the opportunity to live satisfying lives within the means of one planet. An essential step in creating a one-planet future is measuring human impact on the Earth so we can make more informed choices. GFN provides the scientific data necessary to drive large-scale, social change.
Global Green
Santa Monica, California
Global Green USA is the American Arm of Green Cross International (GCI), which was created by President Mikhail S. Gorbachev to foster a global value shift toward a sustainable and secure future by reconnecting humanity with the environment.
Global Justice Ecology Center
Berkeley, California
The Ecology Center facilitates urban lifestyles consistent with the goals of ecological sustainability, social equity, and economic development. They seek to make these goals accessible by providing people with the information they need, the alternatives they seek, and the infrastructure necessary to make sustainable practices possible on a large scale.
Good Samaritan Shelter
Phoenixville, Pennsylvania
The Good Samaritan Shelter is a Christian ministry that provides transitional housing and supportive services to homeless men, women, and women with children in the communities they serve.
Grass Lake Sanctuary
Manchester, Michigan
Formerly For Generations to Come Sanctuary, GLS provides dynamic retreat experiences and programs focusing on nature, relationship building, creativity from the heart, foods for health, de-stressing and rejuvenation services. Follow-up coaching and community resources make this a national model for research-based life experience to integrate Life Balancing Connections back into everyday life.
Green for All
Oakland, California
Green For All is dedicated to improving the lives of all Americans through a clean energy economy, working in collaboration with the business, government, labor, and grassroots communities to create and implement programs that increase quality jobs and opportunities in green industry and holding the most vulnerable people at the center of their agenda.
Hand In Hand
Portland, Oregon
This is a new model of education for Israel's school system where Israeli Arab and Jewish children and their families can learn together and build partnerships based on reconciliation and peaceful relations. Almost 1,000 students are currently enrolled in Hand In Hand schools.
Hero's Journey
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The Hero's Journey believes that every individual on Planet Earth deserves the opportunity to explore the ever-growing realization that radiant divinity is the ultimate treasure to be discovered and experienced within the matter of our own humanity. Adventures, experiences, and products are offered to launch us on a journey into the vitality of the human body, into the expansive consciousness of the human mind, into the depths of the human heart, and into the infinite energies of the human spirit.
Hidden Villa
Los Altos Hills, California
Hidden Villa is an educational organization that uses its organic farm, wilderness, and community to teach and provide opportunities to learn about the environment and social justice. Hidden Villa stretches over 1600 acres of open space in the foothills of the Santa Cruz Mountains, about 40 miles south of San Francisco. Its mission is to inspire a just and sustainable future through programs, land, and legacy.
Hooked on Nature
Los Altos Hills, California
Hooked on Nature provides resources, workshops, and training that inspires and empowers people to develop joyful, loving, lifelong relationships with each other and with the natural world.
Los Altos Hills, California
Diverse programs assist at-risk and homeless families and individuals to resolve life challenges related including housing, food, clothing, and jobs, at their 20 locations throughout Silicon Valley.
Institute For Inquiry
San Francisco, California
This projecty of The Exploratorium champions the principles and practice of inquiry-based teaching and learning, while increasing the leadership capacity of school districts, out-of-school programs, and universities to offer high-quality science education programs for students at all levels.
Intercultural Journeys
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
TIntercultural Journeys promotes understanding in pursuit of peace among people of diverse faiths and conflicting cultures through dialogue and the presentation of world-class performances in music, dance, the spoken word, and other art forms.
Interfaith Youth Corps
Chicago, Illlinois
In a world of interfaith cooperation, religiously diverse people can live together in equal dignity and mutual loyalty, inspired by their various traditions to work together for the common good. The long-term mission of IFYC is to make interfaith cooperation the norm, rather than the exception, for how people of different faiths interact.
Arcata, California
This international media development organization empowers local media worldwide to give people the news and information they need, the ability to connect, and the means to make their voices heard.
Job Train
Menlo Park, California
Job Train enables people to launch new careers and break out of the existing cycle of poverty, low education levels, homelessness, drugs, crime, and prison. Through each student's personal and professional growth, JobTrain is creating a new and positive model for other members of the community.
Kenya Help
Kenya, Africa
Kenya Help provides resources and support for the benefit of women, children, and youth through education and training in the communities of the Naivasha District of Kenya.
Kilili Self-Help Project
Kenya, Africa
Since 1984 at the Manor House Agricultural Centre (MHAC), trained and certified Kenyan community workers teach women and men farmers the Grow Biointensive method of successful organic farming and soil fertility management. More than 116,000 families are using simple, ecological methods to achieve food security and economic self-reliance. Highly productive gardens provide extra crops to sell, while family health improves and hildren can go to school, often for the first time.
The Land Institute
Salina, Kansas
When people, land, and community are as one, all three members prosper; when they relate not as members but as competing interests, all three are exploited.” The Land Institute seeks “to develop a natural systems agriculture that will save soil from being lost or poisoned, while promoting a community life at once prosperous and enduring.”
Link Media
San Francisco, California
This independent media organization informs viewers and inspires them to become involved in the world. Link Media provides unique perspectives on international news, current events, and diverse cultures, often presenting uncompromised documentaries and issues not often covered by traditional news sources.
Living Universe Project
San Francisco, California
Duane Elgin's book project, The Living Universe, explores the integrative paradigm emerging from the combined wisdom of science and spirituality.
Mountain View, California
Mandorla, a proposed film by Roberto Miller, is intended to inspire audiences worldwide to recognize the universal hero's journey as a path to self awareness and becoming whole.
The Media Center
Palo Alto, California
Learn video production, make your own local cable TV access show or just view other people's programs at the non-profit Media Center . TheCenter has studios and equipment for rent and offers workshops so that you can learn the ropes of video production. The Media Center also has a variety of opportunities for teens to gain hands-on video production experience in a professional setting and accepts applications for interns.
Mediation Works
Medford, Oregon
Mediation Works empowers individuals and organizations to resolve their differences peacefully. They teach conflict resolution skills and provide mediation services, thereby building understanding and respect in their diverse community.
MetaFour Productions
Los Angeles, California
Media has the potential to significantly shape our children's development. MetaFour Productions is dedicated to engaging, entertaining, inspiring, and serving the educational and informational needs of today's student. They develop and provide classroom-use video, educational media, emerging technology resources, and virtual spaces that advance curriculum objectives and motivate student learning.
Mindful Schools
Oakland, California
Mindful Schools has used a scientifically proven technique called mindfulness to teach concentration, attention, conflict resolution, and empathy to over 11,000 children and 500 teachers in 41 schools, 71% of which serve low-income children. Mindful Schools has conducted training and workshops for over 1,500 public and private school parents, teachers, therapists, and other professionals in education and social work.
Mind Body Awareness Project
Oakland, California
At-risk and incarcerated youth helped to develop the potential to take control of their actions and fully transform their lives become literally one breath away from making better decisions. MBA has developed a unique mental training program consisting of mindfulness meditation and emotional intelligence exercises designed to strengthen youths minds, relieve their toxic stress, and build their ability to make better decisions.
Mother Nature's Child
Burlington, Vermont
This film demonstrates the importance and results of connecting young people to the natural world.
Mountain View Wisman School District
Mountain View, California
The Mountain View Whisman School District prepares all children for the world ahead by providing the challenge, inspiration, and support all children need to reach their highest potential and thrive in a world of constant change. The School Gardens Project enables students to have the opportunity of getting out of doors and growing food, combined with a number of related science projects.
Music for the Earth
Litchfield, Connecticut
Paul Winter's Flyways project is intended to show that music and migrating birds know no boundaries and will lead the initiative to designate the Great Rift Valley a UNESCO World Heritage Site with the goal of bringing together in common cause the 22 countries along its length. Music for the Earth incorporates the power of music to achieve conservation and social justice.
Music for the Earth
Litchfield, Connecticut
Paul Winter's Flyways project is intended to show that music and migrating birds know no boundaries and will lead the initiative to designate the Great Rift Valley a UNESCO World Heritage Site with the goal of bringing together in common cause the 22 countries along its length. Music for the Earth incorporates the power of music to achieve conservation and social justice.
National Peace Academy
Shelburne, Vermont
The National Peace Academy discovers, supports, and advances cultures of peace by conducting research and facilitating learning of individual and institutional practice of peace systems - local and global. The basis is includes the inner condition and outer expression of the peacebuilder. The NPA's own operations embody and reflect the principles and processes of life without violence.
(Needs to be inserted in the proper alphabetical order)
National Radio Project
Oakland, California
The National Radio Project heightens public consciousness, broadens debate on critical social issues, and encourages civic participation by giving voice to diverse perspectives and opinions underrepresented in the traditional news media.
Nature Leadership Project
Rutland County Court, Virginia
In conjunction with Hooked on Nature, Court Diversion Programs throughout Vermont hope to add a nature component to the community-based alternative to formal court processes for certain juvenile and adult offenders. This community-based alternative (also known as 'restorative justice') aims to (1) address the harm that a crime has caused to victims and to the community, and (2) help offenders avoid future criminal conduct and a permanent criminal record.
New Roadmap Foundation
Seattle, Washington
A citywide event called The Power of Conversation to Change the World launched Conversation Cafes. Five years later, the Conversation Cafes method is being used around the world in cafes, libraries, conferences, meetings, living rooms and classrooms classrooms to help participants master financial integrity -- aligning financial decisions with one's personal values.
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
Santa Barbara, California
The Youth Empowerment Initiative is designed to empower young people (15-29) to contribute to the realization of a coordinated, nationwide critical mass of young people focused on peace, demilitarization of campuses and communities, and the global abolition of nuclear weapons.
Ocean Arks
Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Ocean Arks International is a global leader in the field of ecological water purification. In response to the alarming rate of natural resource exploitation and depletion, OAI disseminates the ideas and practices of ecological sustainability throughout the world. Over the past decade they have begun to explore linkages between ecology and economics, looking to create new kinds of work and enterprise out of environmental protection and restoration initiatives.
One Dollar for Life
Palo Alto, California
ODFL addresses third world poverty by collecting just one dollar from individual U.S. high school students and channeling those funds into small-scale infrastructure projects such as water wells, irrigation systems, sanitary waste disposal, in developing countries. A Web site is the nexus that (1) connects students and developing world villages, and (2) provides training tools that help schools operate fundraisers, profiles of qualified NGOs, and case studies of successful projects.
One Million Lights
Palo Alto, California
One Million Lights mission improves the daily lives of children and adults by providing clean and healthy lighting. They distribute environmentally friendly, rechargeable solar lights around the world, replacing dangerous and polluting kerosene lamps.
Pachamama Alliance
San Francisco, California
Pachamama empowers indigenous people of the Amazon rainforest to preserve their lands and culture and, using insights gained from that work, educatea and inspirea individuals everywhere to bring forth a thriving, just, and sustainable world. The Awakening the Dreamer initiative is to inform, inspire, and support citizens of a modern industrial societies in bringing forth a new dream: an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, and socially just human presence on this planet.
Palo Alto Community Fund
Palo Alto, California
The Palo Alto Community Fund aims to grow, sustain, and use its endowment to improve the quality of life in its community. The Fund supports the work of new and existing nonprofit organizations serving the Palo Alto area.
Palo Alto Weekly Holiday Fund
Palo Alto, California
The Holiday Fund supports community programs serving needful families and children in the Palo Alto area.
Parkinson's Institute
Sunnyvale, California
To provide the most comprehensive treatment for those suffering from Parkinson's disease and related movement disorders, The Parkinson's Institute combines multi-disciplinary patient care with both clinical research and basic research.
Partnership For Youth Empowerment
Langley, Washington
PYE Global helps to develop extraordinary facilitator-leaders who work with youth through a proven, creativity-based methodology. With partners communities across the world, they provide arts empowerment programs for youth based on their Creative Community Model. Their approach combines the expressive arts with motivational learning to develop creativity, personal power, leadership, and cross-cultural competency.
Partnership For Youth Empowerment
Langley, Washington
PYE Global helps to develop extraordinary facilitator-leaders who work with youth through a proven, creativity-based methodology. With partners communities across the world, they provide arts empowerment programs for youth based on their Creative Community Model. Their approach combines the expressive arts with motivational learning to develop creativity, personal power, leadership, and cross-cultural competency.
Peninsula Conflict Resolution Center
San Mateo, California
PCRC sponsors the Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue Group, since 1992 successfully engaging Muslim, Jewish, and Christian adults and youth in face-to-face sustained relationship building. They have initiated hundreds of outreach activities while freely providing citizens worldwide with personal assistance and how-to materials including their four inspiring documentary films linked to a resource-rich Web site. Their experience is that "an enemy is one whose story we have not heard."
Peninsula Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST)
Palo Alto, California
Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST) gives permanent protection to the beauty, character, and diversity of the San Francisco Peninsula and Santa Cruz Mountain range. POST encourages the use of these lands for natural resource protection, wildlife habitat, public recreation and agriculture for people here now and for future generations. Since its founding in 1977, POST has been responsible for saving 64,000 acres as permanent open space and parkland in San Mateo, Santa Clara and Santa Cruz counties.
Population Media Center
Shelburne, Vermont
PMC is dedicated to the idea that people everywhere, especially women, have the right to make choices in family planning and their own reproductive health. It uses entertainment broadcasting, creating long-running, serialized melodramas (prime-time radio or television soap operas) written and produced in participating countries in local languages, to create characters who gradually evolve into positive role models.
Proyecto Itzaes
Yucatan, Mexico
A free, community-service-based educational program, Proyecto Itzaes (Project of the People) includes childhood and family literacy, computer and technology classes, health and science, and Mayan culture and language. Reliable, affordable wireless networks are being installed to serve six remote villages free of charge.
Pure Water For The World
Rutland, Vermont
To prevent children from suffering from water-borne diseases that cause pain as a result of improper hygiene habits and consuming contaminated water, sustainable packages of services are provided so families and communities in developing countries will have water filtration systems, latrines, and hygiene education.
River of Words
Berkeley, California
River of Words trains teachers, park rangers, youth leaders, and other educators around the world to incorporate nature and the arts into their work with children and teens. They have trained more than 2,000 teachers and engaged more than 150,000 young people in creating art and poetry about their local habitats. Their international poetry and art contest invites children (K-12) to explore their own watershed, discover its importance in their lives, and express what they have learned, felt, and observed in words and images.
Room to Read
San Francisco, California
Room to Read seeks to transform the lives of millions of children in developing countries by focusing on literacy and gender equality in education. Working in collaboration with local communities, partner organizations, and governments, they develop literacy skills and a habit of reading among primary school children, and support girls to complete secondary school with the relevant life skills to succeed in school and beyond.
School to School International
Pacifica, California
School to School works to transform education and school health in developing countries so that every child can succeed in school by providing a comprehensive package of support that ensures that children are healthy, that they can learn, and that they stay in school. They build the capacity of teachers, parents, and education officials - as well as their own local staff - so they can continue providing this support to their schools and communities over the long term.
Schumacher College
Devon, England
Through an innovative approach to learning and with experts from round the world, Schumacher College has helped thousands of organizations and individuals in understanding and finding solutions for the most pressing ecological and social concerns of modern life.
Search for Common Ground
Washington, DC
SFCG's Leadership Wisdom Initiative provides transformational conflict management training and leadership development for political and civil society leaders worldwide. Based on 25 years of field experience in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Eastern Europe, SFCG is dedicated to helping existing leaders who are calling out for new approaches to peace, security, and dignity.
Second Harvest Food Bank
San Jose, California
Second Harvest Food Bank is the primary source of donated, surplus, and purchased food for non-profit agencies in Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties to feed needy citizens.
Second Harvest Food Bank
San Jose, California
Second Harvest Food Bank is the primary source of donated, surplus, and purchased food for non-profit agencies in Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties to feed needy citizens.
Shipley Nature Center
Huntington Beach, California
This 18-acre nature preserve is an ideal example of how volunteer citizens, a city, and local environmental groups can partner together to provide an ecological sanctuary and environmental education in an urban setting.
Sidwell Friends School
Washington, DC
Sidwell Friends School is an educational community inspired by the values of the Religious Society of Friends. The School cultivates in all members of their community high personal expectations and integrity, respect for consensus, and an understanding of how diversity enriches us, why stewardship of the natural world matters and why service to others enhances life. Above all, it seeks to be a school that nurtures a genuine love of learning and teaches students "to let their lives speak."
San Jose State University
San Jose, California
Salzburg Seminar Program, sponsored by San Jose State University, offers to faculty, administrators, staff, and students from US colleges and universities an opportunity to explore pressing issues from an international perspective during intensive week-long sessions in the heart of Austria.
Santa Clara University
Santa Clara, California
SCU's online Conflict Resolution Simulation animates technology to expand students' capacity for empathy through constructive discourse and experiential learning. Database-driven information technology enables university and secondary students to learn in classrooms participating together globally in interactive, 8-12 weeklong diplomatic simulations. Beyond force and imposing one's culture on another, student and faculty interaction develop wisdom. Plans include training Middle East university and secondary school educators in database fluency and facilitation skills.
Santa Clara University
Santa Clara, California
SCU's online Conflict Resolution Simulation animates technology to expand students' capacity for empathy through constructive discourse and experiential learning. Database-driven information technology enables university and secondary students to learn in classrooms participating together globally in interactive, 8-12 weeklong diplomatic simulations. Beyond force and imposing one's culture on another, student and faculty interaction develop wisdom. Plans include training Middle East university and secondary school educators in database fluency and facilitation skills.
San Francisco, California
SmartMeme/s mission is to build movements and amplify the impact of grassroots organizing with strategy approaches that have the explicit focus of changing the story about contemporary problems, by challenging underlying assumptions and reframing the dialogue using the power of narrative, culture, and memes.
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods (SOIL) is dedicated to protecting soil resources, empowering communities, and transforming wastes into resources in Haiti. Believing that the path to sustainability is through the transformation of both disempowered people and discarded materials, turning apathy and pollution into valuable resources is the goal.
St. Francis Xavier Secondary School for Girls
Naivasha, Kenya
From a bare plot of ground to the opening of St Francis Xavier Girls Secondary School, education is increasingly provided for bright but poor girls - Catholic or not - whose only hope is a secondary education.
Stanford University
Stanford, California
The Harry and Emilia Rathbun Fund for Exploring What Leads to a Meaningful Life was established to promote important discourse on issues of spiritual significance. The Rathbun Visiting Fellows program includes Harry's Last Lecture in which an outstanding speaker each year shares his or her personal experiences and discoveries of what leads to a meaningful life.
Student Peace Alliance
Washington, DC
Mobilizing our generation to create and sustain peace,young adults advocate for evidence-based legislation and policy that will enhance our capacity to reduce violence and build sustainable peace both domestically and internationally. Day to day, they practice and promote community peacebuilding efforts that engage people in the day-to-day work of understanding and preventing violence in our homes, communities, and institutions.
Sustainability Institute
Hartland, Vermont
The focus of SI is understanding the root causes of unsustainable behavior in complex systems. Goals include helping restructure systems and shift mindsets that will move human society toward sustainability, including through the Donella Meadows Leadership Fellows Program and the Climate Ourselves Program.
Sustainable San Mateo County
San Mateo, California
Sustainable San Mateo County is dedicated to the long-term health of the county's economy, environment, and social equity by providing fact-based information about San Mateo County's economy, environment, and society. Annually it honors and highlights stories of individuals and institutions who live congruently with the vision of SSMC.
Sustained Dialogue Campus Network
Washington, DC
SDCN shows students how to use dialogue and campus initiatives to create more cohesive, engaged, and diverse communities. It engages students in Sustained Dialogue, a distinctive, powerful communication skill for building relationships and creating social action. Participants learn to cross social divisions of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, faith, and political affiliation, so diverse groups can grow closer. SD alumni bring their equity, problem solving, and communication skills with them into every arena of life, transforming relationships and improving their new workplaces and communities.
Thinking Beyond Borders
Fairfield, Connecticut
Thinking Beyond Borders changes the world by translating learning into action. The Gap Year programs are designed for students to explore international development through global service learning and academic study. The mission is to empower youth as agents of proactive change by developing consciousness of global issues and translating learning into action.
Thomas Berry Foundation
Boston, Massachusetts
In production is The Heart of the Universe, a two-hour documentary film and 13-part educational DVD series created by Brian Swimme and Mary Evelyn Tucker. It will tell the story of the unfolding of the universe up to the present day and thus develop a new and closer relationship between humankind and Earth.
Transition Town USA
Petaluma, California
The Transition Movement is building grassroots community resilience in the face of such challenges as peak oil, climate change, and the economic crisis. It represents a promising way of engaging people in strengthening their communities against the effects of these challenges, resulting in a life that is more abundant, fulfilling, equitable and socially connected.
Transpartisan Alliance
Seattle, Washington
TPI is working to catalyze a shift in the political culture from destructive polarization to a more respectful, responsible, and cooperative search for solutions. It stimulates authentic citizen empowerment by creating transpartisan venues -- house parties, town halls, and citizen assemblies -- in which all points of view are valued in the process of co-creating win-win policy options to which 80% of people can say "Yes!"
Trees, Water & People
Fort Collins, Colorado
Trees, Water & People improves people's lives by helping communities to protect, conserve, and manage the natural resources upon which their long-term well-being depends.
Up With People
Denver, Colorado
Through international travel, community service, and performing arts, Up with People offers its students global education and a unique passageway to experience the world. Youth develop the capacity for global leadership while emphasizing service and community impact.
Waddell Creek Association
Davenport, California
Exhibits and programs provide educational and recreational experiences of the area's rich natural and cultural history of the area. This former ranch home of the Hoover/McLean family preserves native flora and fauna, and local history. Night events for youth and adults include astronomy, nocturnal creatures, Ohlone craft demonstrations, and fireside talks.
Waldorf School of the Peninsula High School
Los Altos, California
This new high school in the heart of Silicon Valley educates and engages students with appropriate communication technologies to expose the Waldorf process and principles to the larger world, and for helping students engage with the world of technology while discovering and communicating its most appropriate uses in furthering the sustainability of all life.
We The World
New York, New York
We The World maximizes social change globally, by awakening a spirit of caring and involvement in the public so that millions of people begin to see themselves as part of one global interdependent community and actively taking part in creating a world that works for all.
Whidbey Institute
Clinton, Washington
People connect deeply to the natural world and to each other, renew their life energy, and engage in deep conversation and learning to imagine and create an abundant, sustainable and life-affirming future.
Wildlife Conservation Society
Bronx, New York
AHEAD is Animal & Human Health for the Environment And Development. Based in a "One Health" perspective, education and activity emphasizes cross-border conservation of wildlife and livestock while preserving biodiversity and ecological and human health. These activities help to change attitudes towards nature and help people imagine wildlife and humans living in harmony.
Wild Zones
Berkeley, California
Wild Zones and Create-with-Nature Zones are places where adults, children and adolescents can co-create a new form of public space that is dedicated to imagination and play in nature. They differ from parks and play areas because they offer opportunities to interact with the environment rather than leaving it untouched.
Women's Earth Alliance
Berkeley, California
Womens Earth Alliance partners with community-based organizations globally to promote local solutions to issues of water, food, land, and climate change by providing women with trainings, resources, and advocacy support.
Soquel, California
The organization holds events called Jams that help outstanding young leaders who are in positions of significant influence in the world to become more sustainable, effective, and positive in their work for social change. Directed at dedicated young leaders, aged 15-35, participants build deep and long-lasting support networks based on friendship, authentic communication, and a recognition of common destiny.
Yes! Magazine
Bainbridge Island, Washington
Yes! Magazine's Helping Visionary Young Leaders works to reframe the biggest problems of our time in terms of their solutions. Online and in print, they outline a path forward with in-depth analysis, tools for citizen engagement, and stories about real people working for a better world. While promoting the "YES! Earth Charter Curriculum Module" and the "YES! Universal Declaration on Human Rights Curricular Module," they are serving teachers nationwide while enabling Washington state teachers to respond to new requirements that "all students are prepared to be responsible citizens for an environmentally sustainable, globally interconnected, and diverse society."
Youth Community Services
Palo Alto, California
YCS developes service and leadership opportunities for young people and service learning support for teachers. YCS promotes the ethic of service, fosters youth leadership, builds community, and enhances education in Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Youth For a New World
Clinton, Washington
Youth for a New World helps young people take an active part for world change during a unique time in human history when growth in world population and consumption has created a convergence of risk factors that threaten all of life on Earth. They believe youth need to be aware of the complex global issues of our times, and also see themselves as part of the new world movement already underway to looking beyond our current, unsustainable way of living.