Ore-iginals2400 Million Years Ago
Although global cyanobacteria release massive amounts of oxygen “wastes,” no surplus builds up in Earth’s atmosphere. Oxygen gas reacts immediately with hydrogen, carbon, and iron to form oxides such as water, calcium carbonate (limestone), and iron ore (hematite and magnetite).
For 600 million years, sediments of alternatively higher and lower concentrations of iron oxide settle out on the ocean floors. Some of these sediments metamorphose into massive banded-iron formations, or BIFs, which are the principal source of iron mined by humans two thousand million years in the future.
Scientists theorize that fluctuations in these iron oxide deposits were caused by some combination of seasonal upwelling of iron-rich waters from the depths of the ocean, seasonal variations in photosynthetic activity, periodic volcanic eruptions, and seasonal variations in the oxygen production of cyanobacteria.
One interpretation is that the layers may be read as growth rings, indicating increases in oxygen “exhaust” by cyanobacteria in warmer seasons and lower exhaust in cooler seasons.
The "World-Wide Age of BIFs" extends from 2,400 MYA to 1,800 MYA. BIFs cover vast stretches of the planet, hundreds of kilometers across, and contain more than 90% of Earth's minable iron. This is a Jaspilite-hematite-quartzite BIF from Michigan, USA. The original iron sediments have been heated and folded under pressure. Next time you drive your car, you might want to thank the kindly Earth and its greatest bacteria, the bluegreens, for their contribution. (Photography by Preston Cloud © Janice Cloud) |
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