Welcome to the official website of the Foundation for Global Community (FGC), an educational, public-benefit foundation.
In evaluating the activities and influence of the organization and also the considerable financial resources represented by the land and buildings owned by the Foundation — in view of the urgency of meeting the many challenges in the world today — it was clear that a new initiative was needed.
Starting in 2006, all of the assets of the Foundation were liquidated to provide the funds for Grants to a variety of viable projects working to build a sustainable, just, and spiritually fulfilling global community congruent with our Vision.
FGC, as planned, ceased all activity on December 31, 2010. This website will continue indefinitely as an archive for the History and selected print and multi-media Resources of FGC which you are welcome to freely download and use.
To commemorate and celebrate the journey of the past 60 years, a special four-page Report was prepared and published in the Palo Alto Weekly.
A two-hour television Program included brief interviews with seven grant recipients, comments by Brian Swimme and Duane Elgin, and a 15-minute video retrospective of the Foundation’s efforts from 1950 to 2010.

Email Webmaster | The Foundation was a 501(c)(3) nonprofit